Thursday, August 14, 2008

how to spend your birthday day . . .

Today was Macy's 11th birthday. Normally on birthdays in our home, the birthday child chooses all the meals of the day, and in the evening we celebrate by eating some kind of sweet dessert and giving them a couple of useful gifts. Today however looked a little different. Today was full of packing and moving. We got a truck from the ABF Moving Company and everyone chipped in packing and loading the truck. We got 1/2 of the truck loaded and tomorrow we finish the truck off, and if we need, get another truck. It is great to watch the children get dirty and work, and it is equally nice to have them do a great job! More and more I am able to trust them to do just as good as I would do something. Rarely do I have to go back and change anything. During the later part of the work today Nolan made a comment that scared me. He said "hey dad, we should start a moving company!" I was stunned for a minute, and then pretended like it was a great idea. I guess I could OWN a moving company but I sure would NOT like to work moving homes like I have done these past few years.

Here's a picture of Gresham after rubbing his hands on the wheels of the truck, rubbing his face, and having been neglected all day. He probably felt like it was a great day where everyone left him alone to play the way he wanted. I did have to tell him a couple of times to not play in the street. :)We did have the meals Macy wanted so her birthday day turned out to be somewhat familiar.


Akprestons said...

Hi! I love your blog and even though my dear husband and I have yet to start having children, your family and ours seem to have a lot of the same values, viewpoints and beliefs. It's always fun to meet new people who are relatively like-minded! God bless you guys and I'll be back soon! :)

Love, Jessica

foutfolk said...

Yeah for you two! We remember when we were first married with no children. Stayed up late, ate restaurant food ALWAYS. (Ildi worked at Mimi's Cafe and I worked at the Olive Garden) We drove miles and miles, and talked non-stop. We laugh at how much fun we had then. When we married we decided to have children right away. We would not like it any different. If only we didn't take a break between the first five and the youngest one. We are hoping that God grants us some more. When is your anniversary? I'll make a belated wedding gift for you.


LauraT said...

What have you decided about where to move? If you're packing, you must have some place to go, right? By the way, I read your comment to charley and jessica and noticed your regret about waiting 5 years between child #5 and #6. Isn't it good to remember, however, that God in his loving sovereignty orders our steps, even when we think we've gotten off the path sometimes? God is good!

foutfolk said...


We are on our way up and a gracious couple own a farm next to some friends of ours. They said we could rent it month to month until we find a place. No contract, no commitment, just one flat rate per month. And you are right. . .it is VERY GOOD to remember that God's sovereignty works around our own inadequacies. Thanks for the reminder. I need it.

Tim Unfreid said...


Thank goodness for your blog. I tried calling you tonight only to receive the inevitable message that "this phone number is no longer in service..." So if you wouldn't mind sending your new phone number when you get it :) I'll give ya a ring.

Tim Unfreid

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday, Macy!

Dear Garth & Ildi -- what a treasure to discover your blog tonight. My dear friends whom I've missed... we didn't spend a lot of time together, but that time was precious.

So... where are you now? North Carolina? Ohio? En route???

I look forward to reading more... have just skimmed the surface.

God's blessings on you all.


Paula Hansen

John and Tiffany said...

We will be praying for you guys. We understand TOO well the stresses that can come from a move (18 in our case). We, too, have just settled here in Spokane, church, friends, jobs...with everything new, I am so grateful that my rock is Christ! He doesn't change and is a faithful friend. God bless you guys!1