I think it is the second of many videos/movies to come; he has shown GREAT interest in learning more about video and video production. Hopefully this intrigue will serve him well in the future. For those who are interested, I made him a proposal of a small business venture yesterday morning. It seems that I am always sparking him to think about business ventures. He has had some small business experience of making white boards for classrooms, where he once outfitted an entire junior high school population of around 400 students with white boards. This next proposal includes video production. Here's the idea...
You send photos, digital images, text you want written, and music choice, and he makes a small movie production. No idea what to write or music to choose? No problem. Just send the photos and be surprised at what you get! All of this for a donation for his time. As well... you are supporting the Arts.
Now to the real information that I wanted to post today. I am reading Gene Logsdon's The Contrary Farmer. With some time on my hands now, I am using it wisely by reading some work that I have wanted to read, and some work that will help me in my new venture of cottage farming. I have so many things to say concerning how this book has already changed my thoughts concerning moving to a more agrarian lifestyle. Mostly it has caught me right before my apparent "success" from the world's standpoint. (I just corrected the misspelled word standpoint...I spelled it satanpoint...scary huh?)
I just reached the point in my life where I could have all the things that others would consider evidence of success. Cars, houses, and a large family. And all paid for as well. Everything that I thought was worth working for I have now decided that I don't want. Or better yet, God does not want for me. I still think that those things sway my thinking. I love beautiful homes, suburban communities, cultural activities, city life in a sense. But I feel that God has intercepted my own desires and has graciously nudged me ever so slightly to this way of thinking that will so shortly be a reality. As a spooked horse reacts to an aggressive master, He knew that it would take time and circumstances to convince me of something that eventually I am going to love. I am amazed at the way God stewards time, resources, people, and circumstances to change our ideas about what is important.
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