Monday, January 14, 2008


On a recent post, at The Deliberate Agrarian, Herrick writes about family traditions. What a GREAT topic to cover! Ildi and I have spent time thinking about and implementing many family traditions with our children. Please visit his site and read the comments section to view the traditions we have established in our family. As well, read his post and be inspired to create some memorable traditions for your family. One tradition that Ildi has started here is to make homemade donuts for the children. What a great activity for the children to do as well as a treat for them to have.


Dreamer said...

Oh those look yummy. My grandmother often made doughnuts for her three children. My father, the youngest, is now in his 60s and he still talks about loading several donuts up on a pencil and enjoying them over a good book in a cozy dormer (his reading nook). I'm sure they help make the donuts sometimes too. What a great tradition.

Dreamer said...

P.S. I read your comments to the Deliberate Agrarian's post and followed the link here.

Nice looking family you have!