Sunday, May 2, 2010

geese from the sky . . .

Yesterday a fellow teacher and her family came to supper and to visit the farm. The children rode the horse, fished, and since it was fairly warm, played in the pond. Little did we realize that we would also have another guest visiting today.

One of the boys who was visiting found a Canadian Gosling by the wood shop! Now you are probably thinking the same thing we are still thinking . . . why would a gosling be by the wood shop? I know, it baffles us as well. There is not a nest in sight, and there are no other goslings around the area, and we have no idea where it came from. We do have geese that stop by and visit our pond on their way to the own shindigs, but none have stayed around for even an hour.

Macy put it in with the chicks that are a couple of weeks old, and today they have it in the house playing with it. :)


Tom Scepaniak said...

Once in a while I have a wild goose for a pet, started as a baby. They are the best!

Traveler (Jeffery) said...

Yum! Roast Goose for Christmas! Maybe some Goose Liver Pate? Ahhh! The Lord always provides! (Just don't name it or you may be come too attached.)

Barb Meyer said...

DO NOT listen to Jeffrey!!!!! Quick kids, give it a name! Go and rent the movie: Fly Away Home. . . . pate! JEFFREY! I cannot believe you!!

foutfolk said...

Tom . . .
Now that the bird is waking the children at night, they might be thinking twice about keeping it around. :)

Jeff . . . you're right about naming it, it does become a per of sorts. I think Macy named it Canada three minutes after the found it.

Barbara . . . you DO have to appreciate Jeff's love for good food though. And to ease your mind a bit, The new addition to the farm will be turkey for Thanksgiving, and I may try my hand a pig for Christmas dinner. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe a hawk had ahold of it and dropped it accidently. The Hawk went on a Wild Goose chase, but goosey Lucy was well hidden by the wood shop???? Otherwise, you have an unfit Mother Goose in the neighborhood. How could she, so close to Mother's Day.