Saturday, August 22, 2009

all together . . .

The mad rush was on yesterday. Since I moved schools this year, and went down to teaching the elementary students instead of teaching at the middle school. Instead of teaching at one school full time, I am teaching at two schools part time to make a full time position. What that means, is that I have to set up two rooms for art. For the past few days I have been working on making two sets of everything, like procedures and rules, and today need to split up all my materials to accommodate each school. I am almost done with one school, and on Monday I need to set up the other classroom. School starts the following day so I need to get a move on it!

On the home front we have been gleaning lots of vegetables from the garden. Notice the family collecting the potatoes we harvested this year. All together we probably grew three bushel of them. Next year we will have to plant way more than that to create a surplus for winter, and to keep some for seed.

And Macy celebrated her twelfth birthday this year. Lemon pie was the "cake." We had the neighbors over for supper and desert to commemorate the event. Small event celebration. . . but nice!

I'll upload a few more pictures on my FB account of the things here around the farm.


William Cross said...

Looks like a good crop from your garden. Luckily god blessed ours as well this year, but, as you said, we will have to grow the size next year just to make sure we have enough. God luck to you and yours.

God bless!


Traveler said...

Macy is looking way too cute in that picture. How many cows or goats do you think she is worth for her hand in marriage? Have you had any Amish boys asking? Lets hope not! I'd say she is at least worth 16 heifers and one bull....maybe toss in a few goats and a llama! Hope her day was marvelous!